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Thank you @sahba_events for the Documentary and Live Podcast Night. We had a great time and look forward to the rest of the Tales from...
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My Journey
So the first lap of my journey, back to being a pharmacist, ended in Jan 2025. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a member of Boots...
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Community event in collaboration with Factory International
factory international, performance, free,
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خاطراتم با تو
In Loving Memory of my dear Uncle. Rest In Peace. بیشتر کودکیم در غباری از فراموشی محو شده با این حال تو را در میان معدود خاطرات جسته و...
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End of Year letter, not as we know it!
2024 سالی چالش برانگیز I was hoping to start this year’s review with something positive. But the more I thought about it, the more...
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دلم خزانه اسرار بود و دست قضا درش ببست و کلیدش به دلستانی داد شکسته وار به درگاهت آمدم که طبیب به مومیایی لطف توام نشانی داد دیوان حافظ...
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Autumn has cropped up without the spring or summer having a chance to arrive. Days pass quickly without any glimpse of beauty or calmness.
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Who Am I?
A night in November The aroma of autumn drowned in the smell of gunpowder Surface-to-air missiles shriek The hostile light of the rockets...
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Writing doesn't pay
Where is the balance between writing and working to support writing?
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Unified against racism
It's a while since many problems and shortcomings has been blamed on immigrants, especially immigrants from less developed countries....
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Jar of words is nearly 3 years old
Jar of Words is going to be three years old. Thanks to everyone who supported me by visiting the site and leave comments and likes....
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'Devoters & Drifters' is 5 years old
Five years ago 'Devoters & Drifters', a short story collection in Farsi was published by Aftab Publication, Norway. To buy the book...
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An Artist Talk
2020 was a tough time for all of us. I remember it in an artist talk with DIPACT as part of a shared project. صحبتی در رابطه با تجربه کار...
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مرگ احتمالا به همین شکل است غلیظی تاریکی امشب بر پوست تنش جاری است و طنین صدای پایش به همین سنگینی در راهروی تن میپیچید رگ پنهان آبیاش...
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مژده به علاقمندان به فرهنگ: ورا نام تهمینه سهراب کرد
Yazdan is directing 'Tahmineh called him Sohrab', a play from the Tiara Theatre group coming in November. 'Tahmineh called him Sohrab',...
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Bleeding Books
Last year, after visiting a local library in Manchester, I wrote a blog post on the bitter experience of book censorship on a large...
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